Monday, 16 November 2015

FAQ on E-payment - 3

TIN system will direct you to net-banking facility of your bank. You will have to log on to the net banking site of your bank using your login ID and password/PIN provided by the bank. The particulars entered by you at TIN website will be displayed again.
You will now be required to enter the amount of tax you intend to pay and also select your bank account number from where you intend to pay the tax. After verifying the correctness, you can proceed with confirming the payment.
Your bank will process the transaction online by debiting the bank account indicated by you and generate a printable acknowledgment indicating the Challan Identification Number (CIN). You can verify the status of the challan in the “Challan Status Inquiry” at NSDL-TIN website using CIN after a week, after making payment.
Apart from CIN given to you, you can check your online bank statement to verify the tax payment.
No, it will be considered sufficient proof if you quote your Challan Identification Number (CIN) as mentioned in your counterfoil in your return.
You will have to check the net-banking webpage of your bank’s website for this information.
If any problem encountered at the NSDL website while entering non-financial data then contact the TIN Call Center at 020 - 27218080 or write to us at indicate the subject of the mail as Online Payment of Direct Tax ).
If any problem encountered while entering the financial details at the net-banking webpage of your bank, then you shouldcontact your bank for assistance.
You should contact your bank for queries about your payment transaction through internet.
Your Bank provides facility for re-generation of electronic challan counterfoil kindly check the Bank website, if not then you should contact your bank request them for duplicate challan counterfoil.
Your Bank provides facility for re-generation of electronic challan counterfoil kindly check the Bank website; if not then you should contact your bank and request them for duplicate challan counterfoil.
You can verify the status of the challan in the “Challan Status Inquiry” at NSDL-TIN website after 5 to 7 days of making e-payment. In case of non availability of the challan status kindly contact your bank.

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